Dyslexia and Adults

It is often thought that dyslexia is something that just affects children and is just about reading and writing. How often does someone who is dyslexic hear someone say, “oh I have problems with reading and writing and might be a bit dyslexic” As someone who both works with and has dyslexia, I understand the shame and frustrations which can be experienced. Yet, over time, I have also learned many of the gifts available with this particular perspective. You are unique, yet this doesn’t mean you need to feel alone. It is recognising that being dyslexic with a divergent brain can lead to increased anxiety and feeling overwhelmed as we try and make sense of this linear world

I will work with you to help you embrace your dyslexia, and discover your value, whilst acknowledging your struggles. We can explore your early years and the impact of these on today.

Useful websites:


The Menopause

The ‘change’, ‘the time of life’ – call it what you will, it is a fact that all women go through the menopause. Yet, it is often still a subject of embarrassment and myths. Unless diagnosed with an early menopause or brough on my surgery, a women hormones levels start to drop in her 40s. There are a huge range of symptoms including, anxiety, joint pain and depression that can be part of the menopause It’s not just about hot flushes.

I can work with you to help understand the emotional and physical challenges of the peri and menopause. Helping you embrace this stage in your life and feel empowered

Sources of information on the menopause

  • Thebms.org.uk
  • Daisynetwork.org.uk
  • Menopausematters.co.uk
  • NICE:nice.org.uk/guidance/menopause
  • Facebook: Menopause Support Diane Danzebrink
  • Instagram: Dr Louise Newson